Wednesday, 26 March 2014


Another production bible piece that I am working on is a project called Revenant.

For this year in the course we are planning on a bible/concept for a film which we will be working for our third year. I am working with Katie once again to develop this project, which a concept for a horror game.

Ideally for it to be count as a piece of an animated work. We will be animating the cut scene of the game while also developing the actual game mechanics as well. The bible will include contents such as plot, genre , a story line, a section on the game play aspect and other content such as characters, NPCs, assets etc.

The story  to sum it up is about a girl who was accused accused of being a witch and was burnt at the stake. Unknown to the villagers she was indeed a witch and as she was burnt her hand turned into a little deformed minion of which is the main playable character int he game. The minion (named Reaper) 's main goal is to gather body parts to eat and growl stronger and to gather victim's souls in order to bring back his mistress.

Below are some concepts designs for the character. Costumes are still being worked on due to the accuracty of the time period that we want our story to take place in.
Concept for one of the main character in the story. "Victoria"

Concept of perhaps a loading screen art or an asset in the game.