Wednesday, 8 October 2014

3rd year at Falmouth

Another year has gone by and I am on to my final year on my digital Animation course.
This year we were to pitch a project we'll be working on for this final year.

My project partner, Lokii and I decided to pitch our gaming bible : Revenant.

Our aim is to develop a complete gaming bible  as well a 30 second video promo for the game. This video will consist of both 2D and 3D animation (Cut scenes and mock game play demo)

WE had our final pitches on the 27th of September.  Our project was approve and we can work on it as our final work for the year.

The work that was divided between Lokii and I was that she took on the producing aspect and I took on the role of art director. Though most of the time we tend to consult each other on the decision makings.

We've set aims to recruit second and first years to help us. On both pre and post production.
We're also keeping close contact with those that we recruited so far. Setting up task such as concepts designs for NPCs each week and assign the finalised concepts to modelers and riggers for the 3D aspect for our promo video.

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